Met alle Richie Incognito’s en Aaron Hernandezzen van deze wereld zou je bijna denken dat er geen NFL spelers meer zijn, die wel ‘normaal’ gebleven zijn. Nou, Adrian Peterson bewees donderdag dat de MVP van 2012 niet alleen waardevol als speler is, maar ook als persoon. Een medewerker van de Metrodome in Minneapolis zag ‘Purple Jesus’ iets doen, waar veel andere spelers van kunnen leren:
Last night I was working on the Vikings Redskins game. After the game and after the postgame interview, just about everyone had left. Adrian Peterson was riding in a golf cart back up to the locker room. I happened to be walking up the tunnel at the same time when these two little kids (five or six years old) started cheering and screaming for AP. He had the guy driving the golf cart stop. Then, after tossing each of them an armband, he untied his cleats and gave each of the kids one of the shoes. No cameras around, the driver and I and maybe one other person saw. I then shook his hand and said great game, respect what you just did and that sort of thing.
Really was awesome seeing a star player do this on his own without the cameras rolling. Made these two kids utterly elated and it put a smile on face just watching. Any other similar stories/experiences?
Via: Reddit (+ nog meer feel good verhalen over (ex-)NFL spelers
Foto: Getty Images